Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Last week, a water main broke up the street from my apartment.  It was a god awful frigging huge water main.  News reported that it was over 100 years old and a yard in diameter.  I am not sure about the age, but can confirm that it was a huge mother of a water main.  There are rumors of the break really being the result of a UFO crash, but that news has been surpressed, which explains why you have not read about it before.

Anyway, in the middle of last Wednesday night, lots of water came out of it that should have been going other places.  One of the places it did go to was an underground garage on the next block.  It gave me another reason to be happy about not owning a car.  91 car owners on that block can’t say the same.

But the real damage was to my Verizon line.  It got broke.  No phone or internet for me since last week.  All I got is my new cell phone and nobody knows the number.  I am using the computers at the local library and Janis’ office.  I only get to use her computer after the last customers leave, which is usually around 8 in the evening.  I can use the library’s every day they are opened, but their rule is only for 45 minutes and only once a day. Life has suddenly become different.This morning there were no Verizon guys around.  Last week they said service will be back “soon.”  The Messiah will also be coming soon too according to the guys who hang around the Union Square Park.  I am hoping my phone and Internet service will be back before than.  Meantime, the activity in the middle of 13th Street and 5th Avenue is looking very impressive.  

And then it snowed:

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