Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Snapshots For a Tuesday Afternoon

A few reasons why live here. These are some snapshots I've done within walking distance of my apartment. Well, a couple are a longish walk away, but walkable none the less. Most cities in America have no place to walk to. Or from, so people drive and put on weight and have no real idea of what their city looks like. People who walk there are suspicious. Once in Los Angeles, I got stopped by the police for walking. It was a long time ago, but it made an impression. I never considered living in LA after that. Probably not before either, but that clinched it.

Walking around New York is not always easy. I mean it is not always as speedy a process as it could be.  The City - and my neighborhood in particular - is distracting.  But in a good way, so like what should have been a quick trip to the Union Square market can easily turn into a day's trek with lunch in Chinatown. There's usually a cheap camera in my bag and I shoot lots of snapshots with it. I have posted accounts of my cheap cameras before so I won't belabor the point. These are a few random images posted here for no particular reason on an overcast afternoon.


John Henze said...

Great shots, thanks Maury

Unknown said...

Love the last shot.