Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Dykes In The Night & Empanadas

Last Weekend's Snapshots. Saturday night a couple of thousand ladies paraded by my building in the annual “Dykes In The Night” march.  And yeah, that's what they call the march, so save the politically correct invectives!   Got to love this one. Sunday was the “Gay Pride March:” all 8 frigging hours of it, every one of 'em right past my apartment. And every group had it's own sound truck blasting at ear splitting levels. Some even loud enough to loosen filings and cause permanent mishagas of the brain.  Really. Hey, I live in Greenwich Village; we have all sorts of stuff happening here all the time.  It is part ot the deal.  I have also marched in that same Pride March as part of the Auxiliary Police Ceremonial Unit. Very cool and some memorable experiences. Only hey folks: how about sharing that pride? Maybe next year, you can go be proud in someone else's neighborhood? Just a suggestion.

Anyway, I skipped out before the parade got to my building on Sunday. There was a great little Latin celebration in Queens. Not quite sure what it was about, but it was happening in my absolute favorite food neighborhood. And the streets around it were quiet and passable. And I had great Empanadas in a Uruguayan bakery and the best tacos from a street stand and desert from a favorite pandoria. And a few more more snapshots.

And a good time was had.

1 comment:

Carol Rainey said...

Great, colorful shots!