Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Bus Stop

One of the interesting things about putting this blog out there is that I get to sort of track where it goes. Relax, I can't actually follow your click on the link, but along with finding out how many hits I get, I also get to see which countries these hits are coming from. And at times, this gets weird.

Like, for the last few months I have been getting hundreds of hits from France. Before that it was Russia. I am pretty sure I don't know anybody in either country and can't think of any posting that might have sparked the interest. Every week there are a few from places I can't even find on the map (no, not New Jersey, smart ass!). I am fortunate to have friends in some odd places around the world. Some are ex-pat Americans. Some are just folks I have met over the years. That doesn't account for all the hits. Or all the places they come from. I find that all totally fascinating.

Anyway, this latest snapshot was made this morning, on 6th Avenue, right near the Subway entrance, which is a few blocks from my apartment. This is by way of explaining the location. The “structure” is a bus stop shelter, usually adorned with advertising posters, but today, this was on it. It looks to be hand painted (not printed). There is no accreditation on it. Also, it is not just taped to the side of the glass. It is under the glass, which is locked in place to prevent people from putting up posters without paying for the space. I have no idea of how it got there. Or who put it there. Just wanted to share. And ask: “Anyone in France want to tell me why you are looking at this?”

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