Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day

Each year, for many years, a group of veterans and their supporters gathers on Memorial Day in lower Manhattan and they march for peace. It is not a big group. Most are older, remembering service in Korea and Viet Nam. Some are the children of men lost in WW II. They carry a flag draped coffin and bagpipers play. And they walk through Battery Park, past the War Memorials that most New Yorker's don't even know are there. Tourists heading for the Staten Island Ferry and the Statue of Liberty take snapshots.

The event ends with a few speeches and then some stand to remember the names of fallen comrades and in their names toss a flower into the harbor. A bugler plays taps and everybody goes home. The press rarely pays any attention to this event, so politicians don't show up, so this is probably the first you have heard of it.  

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