Monday, October 30, 2017

" Spiritus Sancti"

The Celts celebrated Samhain on the night of October 31, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth. They marked the event by building bonfires, parading around in scary costumes and sacrificing a few animals. A few centuries later the Christians moved the date up to November 2nd and called it “ All Souls Day.” They kept the bonfires, costumes and parades and maybe a few heathens did get burned at the stake, but it was for all the right reasons. Here in America, we again changed the fearful date, this time to November 7th. In preparation, we also light bonfires, parade in scary costumes and engage in rituals that we fervently hope will expel evil spirits and protect us in the year to come.

Who knows, maybe this year it will work.


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