no, before I get the nasty postings, the title wasn't my idea: it is
what the marching ladies call their march: “Dykes In The Night”
and anybody who has a problem with that can go argue with the 20,000
lesbians who just walked past my building.
Actually, it is an
un-official prelude to tomorrow's march. That's the 50th
“Heritage Of Pride” march and it promises to be .......huge! I
mean, last year the parade ran 8 solid hours start to finish. This
year, being the 50th one - and in case you have been
living in a cave for the past year – has been hyped 9 ways from
Sunday by every corporate entity that could put a rainbow logo on
it's front door. Just about every business in NYC has the flags
flying and suddenly a “proud sponsor!” Predictions are for over
a million spectators. That is conservative. To add to the mess,
they have shortened the parade rout, so all those folks are going to
try to crown into a dozen fewer blocks than last year.
The parade is
due to start at noon. We are going to hide.
1 comment:
Proud and probably loud.
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