Friday, July 11, 2014

Manhattanhedge II

It's called “Manhattanhedge” and I have no idea of who decided that. It happens a few times a year when the setting sun lines up exactly with the East/West cross streets. 

 You have to be in mid-town Manhattan to see it. In Brooklyn it just gets dark.

 The last Manhattanhedge didn't happen on account of cloudy weather. The best one - until now - happened a couple of years ago. I think this one was better. To photograph it properly required a bit of professional know-how. I first I needed to time it right. Then I had to stand in the middle of traffic for about 2 minutes. I also had to convince a number of other people to stand there with me. This last move did quite a bit to insure my personal safety. It also stopped traffic on 14th Street, but that was pretty much the idea and anyway, who cares?

I'm shooting pictures here, you got a problem with that?”

1 comment:

Carol Rainey said...

that's absolutely gorgeous. it does feel ages old, the attempt to line up the stones with the implacable course of the sun.

would you let me use it in my film? plsss?