Wednesday, January 3, 2018

My Year (more or less) In Snapshots

It is a Too-Cold-To-Go-Out-Unless-I-Absolutely-Have-To day which, I suppose, is also a reminder of past frosts when I used to think nothing of a 5 mile trek to school through the snow, up hill in both directions, carrying a sack of rocks and our orphaned goat. But that was another time and has nothing to do with this post.

This morn I have been idly scrolling though past snapshots, my year in song as it were, and decided to post half a dozen random favorites. I am pretty sure most have been up on this blog over the year, so I won't bother with captions; if you really need to know, just scroll down. OK, one note: the babe in the first frame was a dancer at the dance parade who I never met before (or since) but who I remember fondly on account of she came up to me with that beautiful smile, kissed me then danced away.  A great moment in photography.

And finally, a note to those of you who I somehow managed to miss when it came to extending my wishes for a joyful new year: better luck next year.

Remember The Maine!

............and yeah, smart ass, there are 8 shots, 
not half a dozen, 
but it's my blog and
 I can spell it any way I want!

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